Open DAT File

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Protect Your Computer - Beware of Dangerous File Extensions

In the world of computing, there are good things that can happen to us and there are also plenty of bad things that might come our way. One of the worst things that could happen is have our personal information used by others due to our own failure. Yes, this can happen if you fail to protect your computer with an anti-virus protection and replete yourself with the necessary information about file extensions.

The most common method of communication done over the Internet is email. From ordinary people to big industries, we are all using emails in conducting our daily business endeavors. To add to that, email is the medium for viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious programs to propagate. These tiny programs are sent to millions of recipients over the Internet as attachments.

Dangerous file extensions that can severely damage computers systems include VBS, EXE, DOC, XLS, BAT, and COM. There are also other file extensions that can be used to identify files that can ruin a system. However, not all applications with these file extensions are damaging. These are file extensions used by legitimate programs on a system.

Continue reading: second part of the "Protect Your Computer - Beware of Dangerous File Extensions" article

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Data file
Dependes on type of data
DAT File Opens With
Microsoft Outlook
Windows Registry REG tool

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